How a Toronto homeowner organized their estate sale using Downsyzor and sold $23,860 in 10 days
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Step 2: Click on “Get Started” to fill our questionnaire and speak to an onboarding agent
Over 20,000+ active clients searching for estate sales
Case Study 1
Northwood Drive estate sale used Downsyzor and sold $23,860 in 10 days
The Northwood Drive estate sale was located in North York, Toronto and they organized their sale using Downsyzor and sold $23860 in 10 days. 99 items were placed in the sale which found 72 local and buyers. All buyers or their agents picked up the items from the home saving the homeowner effort and the expense of having to pack and ship the items.

Location: Toronto
Sold: $23.860
Number of Items: 99
Number of Days: 10
Type of Residence: Large Single Family Home
Number of Buyers: 72
Case Study 2:
Roehampton Ave. condominium storage sale used Downsyzor and sold $9880 in 14 days
Roehampton Ave. organized their storage sale using Downsyzor and sold $9880 in 14 days. This sale took place in a midtown Toronto condo which included items from their storage locker. T he condo owners were able to sell 80 items and saved the effort and expense from having to market the sale as they found 45 local and international buyers through Downsyzor.

Location: Toronto
Sold: $9880
Number of Items: 80
Number of Days: 14
Type of Residence: Condo
Number of Buyers: 45
Case Study 3:
Coach Liteway Dr. garage sale used Downsyzor and sold $15,300 in 14 days
Coach Liteway Dr. a townhome in Toronto organized their Garage sale using Downsyzor and sold $15300 in 14 days. The homeowner placed 82 items for sale and attracted 55 local and international buyers. Using Downsyzor saved the homeowner over $500 in appraisal fees and they they saved them the effort and expense of numerous handling customer inquiries.

Location: Toronto
Sold: $15,300
Number of Items: 82
Number of Days: 14
Type of Residence: Townhome
Number of Buyers: 55
Who is Downsyzor for?

Suitable for
Downsyzor is used for yard sales, garage sales, estate sales, storage sales that need to turn their contents into cash. This is for homeowners, condo owners, cottage owners, real estate professionals and estate executors that need an easy downsizing solution of household items and assets. The reasons for downsizing are numerous and can be due to a division of assets, death, divorce, moving, renovation or simply due to personal reasons.
Maybe you are engaged in a current sale that is not working well. The law only permits garage sales 2x per year and for a maximum of 2 days each in the GTA. This is for you if you have more than two per year or simply because it can save you the effort of having to move the items outside and watch the tables all day. With Downsyzor you are running the sale online.
Raising Funds
Downsyzor can be used for fundraising by churches, charities, sports teams, and community organizations facing challenging financial circumstances. We have an alternative solution for you to raise funds through the crowdsourcing content sales. Talk to us about
Not for Commercial
Downsyzor is not used for commercial usage and business inventory at this time.
Basic Requirements
At least 50+ Items
Downsyzor is suitable if you have more than 50+ items that need to be sold in one shot from one location, which would allow the buyers to come pick up the items after the sale.
Some High Value Items
Paintings, art, antiques, wood furniture, lamps, jewellery, watches, coins, vases, silverware, porcelains etc.
Some Lower Value Items
Toys, baby stuff, appliances, tools, memorabilia, sports equipment, vehicles, outdoor and lawn equipment and tools. Things commonly used around the home, garden or cottage,
Stay Away from
Things that do not sell would be cheap plastic goods, broken items, clothes, food, drinks, items in poor condition, etc……
Physical Location
A physical location is required which would allow for the pick up of the items at the end of the sale.
Easy as 1-2-3
Downsyzor was created to provide the Homeowner with value and access to resources to organize a successful downsizing estate sale, turning their contents into cash with an easy to use interface
Inventory Wizard
Uploads your items
Auction Wizard
Sets up the Auction
Catalog Wizard
Organizes the Sale Catalog
These wizards are guides and tools we provide to help you organize your sale to make the most informed decisions and avoid common mistakes.
The problem is that most estate sales are done manually without the proper planning and the proper tools resulting in poor outcomes.
Just follow the 3 wizards in Downsyzor and simplify the entire process
If you still wish to organize the sale manually utilize our Estate Sale Inventory Template in Excel Format.
It started in 1996 when the Founder, Donnie Kim, used classified ads on the L.A. Recycler to sell items to local customers for extra money while attending Chiropractic College. Things were sold using a three line word description with no images and a pager number to call.
In 1998 things changed with the internet and the IPO of Ebay. I first used Ebay to sell a set of golf clubs using the cheapest digital camera that I could afford.
That auction experience took its journey from Los Angeles to Toronto to selling millions of estate antiques for the family antique collection. Our first retail art gallery was just a front for our Ebay store.
The art gallery evolved into a classic consignment auction house in 2011 when the technology was available to organize online auctions. Since then we’ve completed over 250 auctions and sold over 40M+. We now bring the technology to homeowners for their estate sales.
Downsyzor is our Estate Sale solution that can quickly get you started in 3 steps
Quick Facts
- 888 Auctions was founded in 2011 by Father and Son team in Toronto
- 888 Auctions is a global leader in Live Auctions and Estate sales with over 250 live auctions in experience
- Serviced over 20000+ clients worldwide from almost every country
- Certifications from the ISA as professional Valuators
- We are an auction organization that utilizes technology to solve everyday problems
- Downsyzor is the solution built for estate sales
9 Steps to a Successful Downsizing Sale
Step 1: Understand the Value of each Item
Empowering yourself with knowledge of your items should be your first priority. Taking inventory of all the items you want to sell and finding proper valuations or estimates is important to understanding the value of your assets and enables you to make informed decisions about your sale.
Understanding the value of your assets and inventory will help you determine what to include in your sale and what to expect from the sale. This can be done by hiring an appraiser to come to the house for $150-300/hr can be prohibitively expensive. You can spend some time researching online for comparables or, when faced with a lack of online information, consult a specialist at an auction house who may not provide the most objective valuation for your inventory. Furthermore, specialists normally respond to item inquiries if the item is over a minimum value and, should they respond at all, often take weeks before getting back to you.
Step 2: Choose the Sale Location
There are many options to consider when preparing your estate sale. But the location is going to be where the items are located. Save yourself the effort and expense of moving items. Ideally you want to select a location that is comfortable for people to visit and pick up items away from the street traffic on your driveway. And if the sale takes place at your home, you also want to ensure that it is safe for you and your family particularly if you are dealing with walk-in strangers. Having a friend or family member with you is always recommended since you will not be able to talk to strangers and keep an eye on the inventory if it is laid out over a large area. Common sense is the most important aspect here and staying safe.
Step 3: Select the Sale Format
Your options to run a sale include yard sales, garage sales, online classifieds, Kijiji, Craigslist, Ebay, local auction houses. Each of these options have their benefits and drawbacks.
You want to select a format that will save you time and effort with minimal expense and learning. You want a format that will save you hassle in answering and responding to inquiries while simultaneously maximizing results.
Garage and yard sale formats require moving items for display and tending to that display for the duration of sale, which is limited to local passer-byes. Although selling all the available items is an ideal scenario, it is unlikely to happen. Therefore, moving unsold items back into the home or, worse yet, transporting them back into a storage locker can be a cumbersome and time-consuming task … a task that is even more exhausting when taking into account an entire day of supervising a sale.
Online marketplaces and classifieds are notoriously inefficient and require a lot of communication between buyers and sellers.
Most formats will break up the items within the estate and offer the items individually losing a value-added effect which we have termed the Provenance Effect. When a good quality item is discovered within an estate sale, there is an increased likelihood of finding similar quality items from that sale. Given how many interesting items are of the personal taste of a family or an individual within the family, there is a sense that the entire estate is organically curated.
Buyers place additional value when they have the opportunity to buy fresh-to-market items directly from the source instead of a marketplace.
Items which are not fresh-to-market are susceptible to losing value. These listed items are subject to an effect that decreases value as a result of Time Value Depreciation. The longer the item is offered for sale without finding a buyer the less buyers will find it desirable and consequently, the seller becomes more motivated to sell, sometimes at a price far lower than what they were hoping to realize.
Fixed price item listings on classified sites lack the urgency to pressure buyers to take action. Whether it is because of high asking prices or simply because the items are undesirable, the final result is the listing expiring without ever having found a buyer.
Step 4: Create the Sale Catalog
Organizing the sale and the catalog requires photographing, describing, measuring, tagging, and noting the condition of each item. This is obviously not needed if you are selling at a garage sale or yard sale; however, keeping records of your items is highly recommended with any sale.
Creating a catalog is very useful in keeping such records and utilizing a spreadsheet or an application is helpful to all sellers in logging and recording the necessary information.
Downsyzor Inventory Template Spreadsheet
Complete information about each item is necessary if you want to address the buyers’ needs. Missing key information will deter buyers and result in customer inquiries that are easily avoidable. As a seller, providing buyers the baseline information required to make a purchasing decision, reduces the amount of time attending to the standard inquiries and ultimately saves you time and effort. It is also very likely that potential buyers may forego inquiring further because they don’t want the hassle.
Step 5: Advertise the Sale
Promoting the sale is done through the use of email marketing, word of mouth, features highlighting individual items, online or community notices, radio, television etc
Marketing is necessary in attracting buyers and key to a successful sale; however, any form of advertising is expensive and requires you to find your target audience. You might also be discouraged by how expensive this can be while being overwhelmed by the number of competing downsizing sales who are likely to sell the same items to your target audience.
Your target audience are buyers who are interested in estate items. This can be accomplished through a Channel Partner who already has access to this type of audience.
Partnering with an established auction company with thousands of buyers on their client list is probably the best marketing strategy. But this may be difficult to accomplish because that list is protected and not likely to be shared.
Step 6: Customer Inquiries and Negotiations
All sales require attending to client inquiries and negotiations. Whether it is impromptu questions asked on-site and in-person at a garage sale or electronically through email, customer inquiries pertaining to any item in the sale can be a time consuming process. It requires constant attention and timely responses to keep the buyer interested.
Our research has shown the average number of message exchanges between a buyer and seller for an item listed on an online classifieds site. An average of 18-49 exchanges is needed to complete a transaction. When you have over 50 items with several interested buyers, it can be an overwhelming experience to track all conversations simultaneously.
Most, if not all inquiries can be eliminated by providing the proper information in the listing. Negotiations can be completely avoided if you select the proper format.
50% of the inquiries are not actually about the item but about shipping or meeting. Therefore, good information and descriptions are key to saving time and effort throughout the sale.
Step 7: Viewings and Showings
Once a buyer has shown interest they will customarily want to set a time and place to meet and view the item. In addition to the time spent on communication you now have to allocate more time and expense to meet the person. During a yard sale, this is normally avoidable but with online sales, meeting customers is the only way to move forward with the transaction unless you are a business.
Person to person meetings are perceived as higher risk; this is even more important with the current COVID-19 global pandemic and other physical dangers. You must also be aware of scams and petty crimes. With that in mind, It is usually a good idea to meet during the day at a place and time where there are many people. Bringing someone with you is usually recommended.
It is also not a good idea to invite strangers to your home as you will reveal the location of the item. This is particularly the case when involving items of high value. Common sense will go a long way in ensuring the safety of you and your loved ones.
Many potential buyers are only interested in browsing; tire kickers are plentiful and there is no guarantee that they will make the purchase even after you have taken the time and effort in showing the item. Try to feel out the buyers’ intention before physically meeting to save time and effort.
Step 8: Collect Payments
Congratulations! Someone is interested in purchasing one or more of your items. Now is the time to consider how you will accept payment. Cash is convenient but usually limited in face to face transactions. Online payment forms are convenient for the buyer but may not be secure for the seller.
Credit cards are the most common method of payment and convenient for the buyer as their cardholder terms will protect them from fraud. However, accepting a credit card exposes you as a merchant to that same fraud. Scammers can easily charge back the charge and deny the purchase if you do not have the proper terms and conditions of the sale agreed to by the buyer. Having a fraud detection system in place is crucial in avoiding scams. Getting the buyer to tap or enter their pin into the terminal will significantly reduce the risk of a chargeback. Fulfilling online orders are riskier because you don’t know who you are dealing with; it is essential to have the proper Know Your Client (KYC) protocols in place.
Step 9: Packing and Shipping
After an online transaction it is usually required to pack and ship the item to the buyer if they are not local. You can build in the shipping costs into the price of the item but usually the shipping charges are quoted separately from the sale price. The buyer will usually be responsible for the costs but in exchange you are responsible for the packing and quoting of the rates. Giving them multiple options such as express, ground, courier or post is normally preferable for the convenience to all buyers.
This step requires a lot of time and effort to provide this service to the buyer. One solution is to assign a shipping agent that will be responsible for all the packing, quoting and shipping. This shifts the responsibility of all the quoting to the shipper and they can also come and collect the items on behalf of the buyers. They will likely have more favourable shipping rates at reduced prices.
Not providing a shipping solution to buyers will significantly limit your reach to local buyers and more than likely eliminate most, if not all, out of state buyers. Unless you are willing to invest the extra effort yourself, having a good shipping partner is important to a successful sale.
These are the nine steps to organizing an estate sale according to our experience and each option you consider has its advantages and disadvantages. Most steps use common sense and keeping safety in mind over the money is the best way to prevent fraud. You have to be cautious of the business you invite into your home. The biggest concern when dealing with strangers is obviously physical safety, crime and Covid. it is always recommended to bring a friend to a meeting.
Addressing the safety concerns, marketing expenses, customer service and shipping needs of the potential buyer are essential to organizing an estate sale but it doesn’t need to be a daunting task. Join other homeowners who have experienced tremendous results with Downsyzor.
Avoid all the safety concerns, marketing expenses, customer communications, meetings, and logistics and achieve the results of these other homeowners simply by using Downsyzor
9 Steps or 3 Wizards
The Long Way
Do it yourself and organize the sale manually. Shoot darts to find your target audience. Increase your communications and waste more of your time. Take on the added risks of in-person meetings, anonymous online scams, fraudulent transactions and the hassle in organizing packing and quoting to have all the items shipped to your customers.
The Downsyzor Way
Let Downsyzor handle the tasks of organizing, marketing, customer service, fraud prevention, and the logistics of the sale. Transporting you from idea stage to sale success in less than 14 days.
Achieve more, much more by spending less time, less money, less effort with less risk.
Yes Downsyzor is for You

Downsyzor helps homeowners every day by organizing their downsizing sale to clear out that garage, basement, bedroom or storage locker that may have been accumulating for the past few years or even decades
Downsyzor is also useful for churches, non-profit organizations, community sales, and charities working within their communities to raise funds
This is not for commercial businesses or inventory at this time.
This solution is a perfect fit for homeowners, condo owners, organizations that have more than 50+ items to sell household items and assets from a physical location.
Why Use Downsyzor?
Organized | Downsyzor will help get you organized and ready for sale |
Faster | Get evaluations quickly and receive estimates on all items you submit |
Cheaper | Hiring an appraiser will cost $150-300 per hour and Marketing will cost over $2000 |
Simple | Useful guides and wizards will help you throughout the entire process Live agents are available to assist Full service available in the GTA for those of you who are unable to use the app |
Efficient | Minimize customer inquiries and negotiations. No more invoicing and collection issues |
Safe | Fraud tools to help ensure you are receiving proper payment |
Less Effort | No handling of items until it is sold No packing or shipping required |
So how does Downsyzor work?
Downsyzor turns a 9-step process into 3-steps using the Wizards which make it super easy to launch your sale.
1. Submit images and descriptions with the Inventory Upload Wizard to receive estimates
2. Set up your sale details and dates with the Auction Setup Wizard
3. Organize and review your catalog with the Catalog Wizard
Included in these three Wizards are the following Features
– Each item you submit will be inspected and given valuation estimates
– You will be given guides to help you organize your inventory and sale catalog
– Your sale will be advertised to a 20,000+ client list from a prominent auction house
– Dedicated support staff will handle all client inquiries and negotiations
– You will be protected from fraudulent transactions as we will handle the invoicing and collections
– A shipping agent will be appointed to your sale so there will be nothing to pack and ship
– You will get paid from the proceeds within 2 weeks from the end of the sale.
These wizards and features make it the easiest, fastest and most economical way to launch a downsizing sale.
Get Started Now with Downsyzor
Now if you wanted to get this job done yourself be prepared to spend at least 30-90 days and several thousand dollars. Here’s what you get:
1- Downsyzor Mobile App to upload your items using the Upload Wizard
2- Valuations and estimates for each item ($25 per item or total of $1250 for a 50 item auction)
3- Auction Setup and Catalog Review ($1000 value)
4- Marketing to our 20000+ client list ($2000 value)
5- Customer Service and Management of the sale ($500 Value)
6- Collections and Processing of customer payments ($250 value)
7- Logistics management ($800 Value)
Minimum Charge $297 will be deducted from your proceeds at the end of the sale
Limited Time Slots
Downsyzor cannot accommodate more than 1 auction per day as auction slots are limited
These auction slots are filling up fast so get started and book now
Of course, we offer a money back guarantee for those who don’t qualify for the Free offer.
If we don’t deliver on our promise we will return your $497 listing fee
Lets Recap
Now if you wanted to get this job done yourself be prepared to spend at least 30-90 days and several thousand dollars. Here’s what you get:
1- Downsyzor Mobile App to upload your items using the Upload Wizard
2- Valuations and estimates for each item ($25 per item or total of $1250 for a 50 item auction)
3- Auction Setup and Catalog Review ($1000 value)
4- Marketing to our 20000+ client list ($2000 value)
5- Customer Service and Management of the sale ($500 Value)
6- Collections and Processing of customer payments ($250 value)
7- Logistics management ($800 Value)
Minimum Charge $297 will be deducted from your proceeds at the end of the sale
Publishing Slots are Limited
Guaranteed to full fill your expectations or your money back
Over 750+ estate sales completed
Join the growing list of successful sales